How to decorate a luxury home with sobriety?

Do you want to decorate a luxury home with sobriety, but don't know how to go about it? In this guide, we give you all the tips you need to make it happen. Find out how to beautify a luxury property without going overboard.

Select furniture with care

Some people often associate luxury real estate with extravagance and excess. But this is wrong, at least when it comes to decoration. Furniture is one of the pillars of a successful luxury decoration. When you furnish a luxury home, you need to know how to choose the furniture you want to put in it. It is not enough to pick a piece of furniture at random. You have to select the one that best suits the style you have adopted and the space available. Sobriety means simplicity and fair measure. Thus, your furniture must be of quality, but not flashy. They must blend in with the decor while participating in the embellishment of your interior. A well-placed sofa, a well-arranged chaise-longue or a well-matched console would be a plus for a beautiful and noble interior. When making your selection, focus on the types of materials, as each material expresses a particular style. Leather sofa, solid wood chest of drawers or wrought iron chair, each material affects the decor in a specific way. So, you need to know how to exploit them to get the best out of them. Consider materials that combine quality and discretion, furniture that only connoisseurs will recognize. Avoid synthetic materials and fibers as much as possible, they do not correspond to this style of furnishing. Finally, it is best to avoid overloading. The more furniture there is in a room, the less sober it is. Focus on quality, not quantity, because rooms full of furniture often look overcrowded and chaotic.

Get the colors and hues right

Colors and shades play an essential role in decorating. For a decor that is both prestigious and simple, you should choose noble shades and colors. Opt for colors such as white, blue, black, dark blue... If you want to attract attention at first glance, choose metallic tones, but don't get too attached to them because if you overdo it, they will have a flashy effect on your decor, and it will lose all its charm. Especially avoid flashy colors such as bright red, candy pink or electric blue. We can't talk about sobriety in a luxury property without mentioning natural colors. They are symbols of nobility and simplicity, from the lightest (straw, shades of cream, ivory, sandstone, shades of straw ...) to the darkest (musk brown, chestnut ...). They provide a feeling of well-being and fullness, and bring more serenity to the decor. One of the main advantages of natural colors is that they harmonize perfectly with each other. Therefore, it is not necessary to mix them with brighter colors. Wicker cabinet, gray marble floor, waxed wood table, stone fireplace ... By playing with textures, you will extend the range of uses under the sign of natural. For example, for a seaside villa, you can opt for a mix of white, gray and ivory to decorate your living room.

Choose the accessories that best match the decor

Interior decorating accessories also contribute to the sobriety of a property. And as we said for the furniture, it is above all a question of arrangement and choice. Which accessories should be chosen according to the decor? Where should they be placed? And how? To begin, take the time to choose the accessories that best suit your home. To do this, focus on the most interesting ones, those that have an added value in terms of style, but that remain discreet. Besides that, remember that only quality counts. This means that you don't need a lot of objects to achieve a noble and simple atmosphere in a villa or any other prestigious property.

Harnessing the power of light

According to interior designers, light is central to decorating. Whatever room you decorate, you can only get the best out of it if it is optimally lit. To obtain a perfect luminosity, it is necessary to privilege large picture windows. But if you want to limit yourself to the decoration of the room, and avoid major work, the large industrial style bulbs are an interesting alternative. In addition to being modern, they provide a good light output. For more efficiency, you can combine them with small lamps placed on the floor. They will give a warm spirit to the room, as well as a good luminosity and this, that you decorate a house of plain foot or a duplex (ground floor, floor, mezzanine...).

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