Real estate : is it better to buy in town or in the country ?

Buying a house or an apartment requires a good dose of reflection. Apart from the geographical location of a house for sale, it is important to make sure that it meets your requirements. Whether it is in the city or in the country, you must take into account certain criteria before buying your home.

Buying a home: consider your life constraints

Most people dream of buying an apartment in a large city in order to take advantage of the benefits that these environments offer. Big cities are known to be places that offer more leisure and opportunities. Public transportation is well developed and shopping is also nearby. But, all these things come at a price. The owner of a property in Brive can take advantage of the high rental demand to increase the rent. On the other hand, in the outskirts or in the countryside, you can take advantage of the calm that prevails (a less stressful and less polluted environment). You can also easily buy a house with a garden at an affordable price. However, the absence of shops in the countryside could be an obstacle for the elderly who will have to travel a long distance before being able to do their shopping. Children are also deprived of certain amenities. It should be noted that each location has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can therefore take a house in the city or in the country if your life constraints require it. However, you must take into account your budget. For professional reasons, you have the possibility to buy your home in the country and rent an apartment in the city. To buy or rent a house in Brive-la-Gaillarde, you can request the services of a real estate agency. They will be able to provide you with various real estate ads so that you can choose a home that suits your lifestyle. The agencies also have real estate experts who will be able to put their know-how at your disposal. Whether you live in the city or in the country, you must take into account certain criteria before buying or renting an apartment.

Be aware of the environment and construction projects

The good location of a house for sale is a favorable factor. To do so, you must evaluate the geographical context of your future home (administrative infrastructures, shops, public transportation, schools, parks and many others). It should also be noted that these elements could be a source of nuisance, especially if you like to live in a very quiet place. You should also go to the city hall to find out about planned projects near your home. They will include this information in their local urban plan (PLU). You can also examine the land use plan (POS) to find out about the development process planned by the town hall. The realization of the projects planned in the POS and the PLU can also allow a house located in the countryside to quickly increase in value. In addition, each region has its own urban planning regulations. You should therefore consult these regulations and examine the possible renovation work to be carried out. Before buying your home, you should also calculate its surface area and make sure that the dimensions match those provided by the seller. You can also consult the land registry files available at the town hall. They provide information on the boundaries of the dwellings.

Check the reports of the obligatory diagnoses and the taxes

Before making an offer to purchase, you should also carefully check the reports of the mandatory real estate diagnostics. This will allow you to know the real state of the property. All the annexes (cellar, garage, garden, etc.) must be included in the contract. It is also necessary to ensure that the veranda meets the construction standards. All taxes and bills must also be paid by the seller. You can ask for proof of this. Moreover, when you buy in the country, you must make sure that the water quality is good. Indeed, the tap water in houses and apartments in some parts of the rural world may be contaminated with minerals that are toxic to the body. If the apartment you are considering buying is in a condominium, you should check the minutes of the last General Assembly of the co-owners. The data in these documents will allow you to know the state of the building. They also give information on the works planned by the co-owners. It should be noted that the works which were submitted to the vote during their AG before signing the deed of sale remain at the expense of the seller.

Knowing the financing options for your project

Before starting the process of buying a home, whether in the city or in the country, you should also examine the financing solutions available to you. To do this, you should contact your bank branch to find out about the conditions for a real estate loan. You can also ask a real estate agency for information on possible financial aid. Indeed, the State accompanies each citizen in his project of purchase of a real estate. As a future homeowner, you must also take out home insurance. You can compare several contracts and evaluate the guarantees offered by the insurers in order to choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

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